Today's Nail of the Day is a Colors By Llarowe polish.
It's called 'CBL Addicts Blue Me Away' and it's my very first CBL :)
I've seen a lot of their polishes swatched and thought they looked incredible, so when I saw this for sale on a Facebook nail group I just couldn't resist!
It looked incredible in the bottle, and I couldn't wait to try it on.

Colors by Llarowe - CBL Addicts Blue Me Away (two coats, no top coat)
CBL Addicts Blue Me Away is a slightly teal-toned navy blue (which doesn't show with the flash on) with a stunning linear holo effect. I adore linear holos so this one is going to be a firm favourite in my collection :)
This polish is opaque after one generous coat. It's a thick but buttery formula (very similar to A-England polishes) and it's so easy to apply. It's also easy to overload the brush so watch out for that, although it may not be as much of an issue for people who don't have really tiny nail beds like me!
I used two coats but you could get away with one. I tend not to use top coats with linear holo polishes as it usually spoils the effect.
That holo <3
My previous favourite navy holo was A-England 'Tristam', which is similar in shade and texture but has a scattered holo effect rather than linear. I looove my Tristam, but linear always wins for me ;)
So there was my first Colors by Llarowe polish. I have a feeling that this won't be my last, so watch this space for more CBL Nail of the Days!
Love, Sarah NailsfromNothing xx